OA-Regional Anesthesia Block of the Month
Parasternal Blocks: Superficial and Deep ApproachesMelody Anderson (Herman), MD, Atrium Health Carolinas Medical Center, Charlotte, NC
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OA-Regional Anesthesia Block of the Month
Intermediate Cervical PlexusMelody Anderson (Herman), MD, Atrium Health Carolinas Medical Center, Charlotte, NC
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SPPM Visual Pearls
Sciatic Nerve Testing for Chronic Pain DiagnosesHenry Huang, MD, Texas Children's Hospital Pain Clinic, Houston, TX, Drew Jones, PT, DPT, TPS, FAAOMPT, Texas Children's Hospital, Houston, TX
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Spanish-Language A&A Video in Clinical Anesthesia
La Capnografía: Video en Anestesia ClinicaAustin Snyder, MD, Boston Medical Center, Boston, MA, Dhanesh Binda, BS, Boston Medical Center, Boston, MA, Jean-Luc Germany, MD, Boston Medical Center, Boston, MA, Victoria Rosales, MD, Boston Medical Center, Boston, MA, Faisal Tan, MD, Boston Medical Center, Boston, MA, Ala Nozari, MD, PhD, Boston Medical Center, Boston, MA, Rafael Ortega, MD, Boston Medical Center, Boston, MA
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Spanish-Language A&A Video in Clinical Anesthesia
Listas de Verificación de Seguridad Quirúrgica y de Procedimientos: Video en Anestesia ClinicaMauricio Gonzalez, MD, Boston Medical Center, Boston, MA, Karolina Brook, MD, Boston Medical Center, Boston, MA, Alexander Arriaga, MD, MPH, ScD, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA, Rebecca Hayes, DNP, Boston Medical Center, Boston, MA, Ala Nozari, MD, PhD, Boston Medical Center, Boston, MA, Rafael Ortega, MD, Boston Medical Center, Boston, MA
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Spanish-Language A&A Video in Clinical Anesthesia
El Uso del Ultrasonido en el Manejo de la Vía Aérea: Vídeo en Anestesia ClínicaSara Hora Gomes, MD, PhD, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal, Robert Canelli, MD, Boston University, Boston, MA, Francesco Corradi, MD, PhD, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy, José Miguel Pêgo, MD, PhD, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal, Maxwell B. Baker, MSc, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts, Federico Bilotta, MD, PhD, University of Rome, Rome, Italy
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Spanish-Language A&A Video in Clinical Anesthesia
Prevención de Incendios en la Sala de Operaciones: Vídeo en Anestesia ClínicaWendy Bernstein, MD, MBA, Boston Medical Center, Boston, MA, Mark Norris, MD, Boston Medical Center, Boston, MA, Abbie Chase, MD, Boston Medical Center, Boston, MA, Rebecca Hayes, DNP, Boston Medical Center, Boston, MA, Dhanesh Binda, BS, Boston Medical Center, Boston, MA, Rafael Ortega, MD, Boston Medical Center, Boston, MA
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Spanish-Language A&A Video in Clinical Anesthesia
Suministro de Oxígeno en el Hospital: Video en Anestesia ClinicaDhanesh Binda, BS, Boston Medical Center, Boston, MA, Ilana Regenbogen, MD, MPH, Boston Medical Center, Boston, MA, Ala Nozari, MD, PhD, Boston Medical Center, Boston, MA, Rafael Ortega, MD, Boston Medical Center, Boston, MA
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A&A Video in Clinical Anesthesia
The Use of Ultrasound in Airway ManagementSara Hora Gomes, MD, PhD, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal, Robert Canelli, MD, Boston University, Boston, MA, Francesco Corradi, MD, PhD, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy, José Miguel Pêgo, MD, PhD, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal, Maxwell B. Baker, MSc, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts, Federico Bilotta, MD, PhD, University of Rome, Rome, Italy
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OA-Regional Anesthesia Block of the Month
Suprainguinal Fascia Iliaca BlockMelody Anderson (Herman), MD, Atrium Health Carolinas Medical Center, Charlotte, NC
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OA-SPA Pediatric Anesthesia Virtual Grand Rounds
Adrenal Insufficiency for the Pediatric AnesthesiologistMelinda Pierce, MD, MCR, Seattle Children's Hospital, Seattle, WA
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OA-SOAP Fellows Webinar Series
Pain During Cesarean DeliveryMark Zakowski, MD, FASA, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA
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SPPM Visual Pearls
Infraorbital Nerve Block Ultrasound GuidedCarole Lin, MD, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, Lauren Smith, MD, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, Rebecca Morris, MD, Stanford University, Stanford, CA
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SPPM Visual Pearls
Fast Facts About Illicit FentanylGenevieve D’Souza MD, FASA, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, Andrew Dinh, MD, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, Rita Agarwal, MD, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, Carole Lin, MD, Stanford University, Stanford, CA
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SPPM Visual Pearls
External Oblique Intercostal Ultrasound Guided Nerve BlockCarole Lin, MD, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, Mohammad Esfahanian, MD, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, Deepa Kattail, MD MHS FAAP, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, ON, Canada
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