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Global Health Equity Clinical Resources

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  • Samuel Percy, MD, Children's Hospital Colorado

Frank’s Hospital Workshop

Frank’s Hospital Workshop is non-commercial website that offers a collection of documents, experiences, best-practice procedures, and teaching and learning materials about biomedical technology. They have a large repository of manuals for a wide variety of hospital equipment as well as tutorials and lectures about electronics, hospital equipment, and a wide variety of other biomedical technology.

Open Critical Care Oxygen Calculator

Open Critical Care has created a free tool to evaluate oxygen supply and demand that allows a clinical, hospital, or health system estimate its oxygen needs and identify an oxygen supply system that would be adequate to meet those needs.

Open Critical Care Job Aid Creator

The Open Critical Care job aid creator allows anyone to create a pocket guide that includes quick reference and key information related to anesthesia, analgesia, critical care, and point-of-care ultrasound. Current pocket guide topics include pediatric anesthesia, obstetric emergencies, neuraxial anesthesia, mechanical ventilation, and respiratory care. Job aids are currently available in English, Spanish, Portuguese and French.

Safer Anesthesia From Education (SAFE) Pediatric and Obstetric Anesthesia Pocket Handbook

The SAFE pediatric and obstetric anesthesia pocket handbook is designed to provide a quick reference guide for essential information and includes drug doses, important calculations and management protocols. It is designed to accompany the SAFE courses, which are supported by the Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland (AAGBI) and the World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists (WFSA).

Essential Pain Management Pocketbook

The Essential Pain Management pocketbook is a free tool developed by the Australian and New Zealand College of Anesthetists that provides a case-based discussion of essential pain management topics. The pocketbook is designed to accompany a program to help health workers recognize, assess, and treat pain of all types. This pocketbook can be useful for all types of health workers in any setting around the world.

UpToDate Subscription Application

Better Evidence at Ariadne Labs works with UpToDate®, the world’s leading evidence-based clinical resource, to grant free UpToDate subscriptions to practitioners serving vulnerable communities around the world. UpToDate provides medical information that healthcare providers can easily access on or offline. To be eligible, applicants must be a physician, nurse, physician’s assistant, or medical student outside of the United States working for a public or non-profit entity. They must have at least intermittent internet access and be able to complete the application in English.

Stanford Perioperative Emergency Manual
The Stanford Anesthesia Cognitive Aid program has developed an emergency manual designed for use during perioperative crises. The manual is available for free to download in English, Spanish, Portuguese, Korean, French, Dutch, and Mandarin.

PediCrisis Mobile Application

The Society for Pediatric Anesthesia has developed the Pedi Crisis 2.0 App® as a free resource to support clinician responses to pediatric perioperative life-threatening critical events. The electronic environment features optional diagnostic support, optimized navigation, weight-based dosing, critical institution-specific phone numbers pertinent to emergency response, and accessibility for those who want larger font sizes.

Anesthesiologist Mobile Application

Anesthesiologist is a free mobile app available for the Android operating system that allows for quick reference of drug dosages and airway management techniques. It also allows the calculation of weight-based dosing.