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VE/PaCO2 relationship: Hypoxia

The quotient of exhaled CO2 (VeCO2) and arterial CO2 (Ve/PaCO2) is a measure of the ventilatory response to hypoxia.

The difference between exhaled CO2 (VeCO2) and arterial CO2 (PaCO2-VeCO2) is a measure of physiologic dead space

VeCO2 and PaCO2

  • VeCO2/PaCO2: measure of ventilatory response to hypoxia
  • PaCO2 – VeCO2: measure of dead space


  1. N H Edelman, N S Cherniack, S Lahiri, E Richards, A P Fishman The effects of abnormal sympathetic nervous function upon the ventilatory response to hypoxia. J. Clin. Invest.: 1970, 49(6);1153-65 PubMed Link