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Upper extremity cutaneous innervation

· Upper extremity cutaneous innervation is supplied primarily by the Brachial Plexus, emerging from spinal roots C5-T1 – the exceptions being the supraclavicular nerve (C3/4) and the Intercostobrachial nerve (branches from intercostal nerves).

· The brachial plexus is best learned schematically, but the sensory nerves supplying the upper extremity are:

o Axillary – C5/6, sensory innervation to lateral shoulder

o Musculocutaneous – C5-7, sensory innervation to lateral forearm from wrist to elbow

§ Lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve – C5/6 (branch of musculocutaneous nerve), sensory innervation to lateral forearm

o Radial Nerve – C5-T1, sensory innervation to posterior arm in a strip from the triceps down to the dorsum of the hand and dorsal surface of the first 3 fingers

o Median – C6-T1, sensory innervation to palm and the palmar surface of the first 3.5 fingers

o Ulnar – C8/T1, sensory innervation to medial surface of the hand, including pinky and half of ring finger

o Medial brachial cutaneous nerve – C8/T1, branches directly from medial cord and provides sensory innervation to medial upper arm

o Medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve – C8/T1, also branches directly from medial cord, provides sensory innervation to medial forearm

Map of sensory innervation; Public Domain image (

Map of sensory innervation; Public Domain image (

Schematic representation of brachial plexus; Creative Commons:

Schematic representation of brachial plexus; Creative Commons:

Other References

  1. Upper extremity blocks Accessed September 28, 2021 Link