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Renal replacement therapy: Patient selection
Last updated: 03/06/2015
Generally speaking, renal replacement therapy is necessary to prevent either fluid overload or endogenous poisoning.
Indications for starting renal replacement therapy:
- Oliguria (urine output <200mL/12h)
- Anuria/extreme oliguria (urine output <50mL/12h)
- Hyperkalemia ([K]>6.5mEq/L)
- Severe acidemia (pH<7.1)
- Azotemia ([urea]>30mg/dL)
- Clinically significant organ (especially pulmonary) edema
- Uremic encephalopathy, pericarditis, or neuropathy/myopathy
- Severe hypo- or hypernatremia ([Na]<115 or >160mEq/L)
- Hyperthermia
- Drug overdose with toxin that is able to be dialyzed
Modes of dialysis and ultrafiltration available:
- Intermittent hemodialysis (acute renal failure patients, depending on how critically ill the patient is)
- Most efficient because large amounts of fluid can be removed and electrolyte abnormalities can rapidly be corrected
- Not appropriate in unstable patients, as 20-30% of patients undergoing hemodialysis will become hypotensive
- In an unstable patient, the hypotension may not be tolerated and could cause further renal injury or disequilibrium syndrome from the large osmotic shifts
- Peritoneal dialysis (chronis renal failure patients)
- Simple and cost effective
- Can cause infection, has poor clearance of solutes and uric acid
- Continuous hemodiafiltration (acute renal failure in most ICU patients)
- More effective urea clearance and controlled fluid removal
- Beneficial in the critically ill patient, as these patients usually have intravascular hypovolemia secondary to decreased oncotic pressure from capillary leak, and this method allows for precise volume control, continuously.
- Provides improved nutritional support
- Safer in patients with cerebral injury or cardiovascular disorders, given the improved control of volume (prevent disequilibrium disorder or CHF, respectively)
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