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Anticoagulants: Mechanism of Action

“Herbal and Natural Medicines with Antiplatelet Effects or Risk for Bleeding” tableused with permission as described by Evidence-Based Medicine Consult at:

Used with Permission by EBM Consult. “Natural” Anticoagulants: (Commonly asked are the “G’s”: Garlic, Ginger, Gingko, Green tea + Vit E) *Remember that Ginseng speeds the metabolism of Warfarin and LOWERS the INR.

Used with Permission by EBM Consult. “Natural” Anticoagulants: (Commonly asked are the “G’s”: Garlic, Ginger, Gingko, Green tea + Vit E) *Remember that Ginseng speeds the metabolism of Warfarin and LOWERS the INR.

Other References

  1. See Table: Management of anticoagulant agents in the peri-bronchoscopic period Link
  2. See Image: Coagulation Cascade and Anticoagulants Link
  3. Herbal and Natural Medicines with Antiplatelet Effects or Risk for Bleeding Link
  4. Anticoagulants, Link